Support the Rainbow Foundation with a corporate gift. Then you join and contribute to the work for the rights of LGBTQI people.
Stöd Regnbågsfondens arbete med en företagsgåva. Er donation går till arbetet för hbtqi-personers rättigheter.
Give a corporate gift
The purpose of the Rainbow Foundation is to work with funding to support qualified organizations and projects in countries where rainbow people are discriminated against, persecuted and killed. The Rainbow Foundation also works with impact projects in collaboration with other organizations.
The Rainbow Foundations's purpose is to provide financial support to LGBTQI organizations throughout the world, primarily in countries where rainbow people are persecuted and harassed by authorities, police and religious institutions.
Plusgiro: 900 552-1
Bankgiro: 900-5521
© 2025 Regnbågsfonden. All rights reserved.